Insuring Uninsurable Risks from AI: Government as Insurer of Last Resort
ICML, GenLaw Workshop, 2024
Liability and Insurance for Catastrophic Losses: the Nuclear Power Precedent and Lessons for AI
ICML, GenLaw Workshop, 2024
Keeping Metaphysics Respectable: A Methodological Critique
Master's Thesis, UBC Open Collections, 2021
Why Are Qualia So Mysterious? A Materialist’s Story

It was late into that transatlantic night...
There I was, sleepless eye
Time, whiling me by
In lazy languid flight.
I was configuring
An experimental extended exposure setting
On my photographic apparatus
(In order to track the pitch and roll of the aeroplane).
When softly through that glittery dark
She swam up alongside: Lambent Borealis -
Whether to say hello
Or just to give a show
I only can't know.
The camera saw her first
Leading eye to her.
I had been blankly watching my exposure
When finally I blinked, unsure -
Green noise creepin' across the picture?
Something had to be faulty.
There was: me.
With a shimmer and a flick
And scales smooth as a trick,
She was mesmer flame without a wick
And I was moth in the fire's lick
My face pasted
With sillied smile,
My face smashed
On the port glass,
Drinking in the sight, til eyes sear -
I nearly dropped my gear!
I managed a glance 'round me in a ring
To see if my "fellow man" had noticed a thing.
But all were windows closed, eyes shaded,
Blinds down or blinders up:
By neon light, vision was screened.
So much for them.
I turned my headlights back to the sheen
Only to be outshone twice over:
Auric Aurora, had broke onto the scene.
Auroras both, the twin sisters tangled,
I assume over whose turn it was,
To flirt with those coquettish stars
(If I'm honest, the blond tries too hard,
Chasing 'em round n' round,
Day and night).
I watched them play for a spell
But eventually, eyes fell
Shutters closed
And off I dozed.
I slept swell.
And now must dwell:
Was it all made up?
Dredged from a dream well?
It's suspected.
But to be objected:
I was left a photograph, an etching of light,
An uncommon Kodak moment quite -
Indeed, so much coulda gone wrong
With this, such a long cliché,
And yet it made the day.
Or so I would say.